Monday, September 28, 2009

The Miracle of Fred

Some of you may have heard that we have been praying for and helping take care of a boy named Fred. Fred is the younger brother of 3 girls that reside at FDLM. He recently came down with Malaria and Typhoid. If you know anything about HIV you know that many people have died even of the common cold. Not Fred - Passion fruit juice, a full tummy, as much prayer as my mother's heart can muster and Fred is running and laughing.

So yesterday, Sunday, he showed up from church. The walk from his house is about 3 miles. He walked alone to come see his sisters. We received him with open arms juice and samosa. He ate more than me. We went into church and joined worship and intercession. The Holy Spirit entered the room so heavily that I could not stand. I was on my face weeping and God said, "pray for Fred." I looked around and couldn't find him. God said, "pray for Fred." So i told one of the children go find Fred. Fred walked in and i scooped him up and held him on my lap on the dirty ground and wept heavily over him while God moved in power. I have never felt the power of God in this way. Fred let me hold him for at least 30 minutes while I, in my heart, asked God to heal his body. God was saying, "He will live" and i was with my little faith saying "for how ever long he lives Lord I will take care of him."
God said, "Fred will live." It was like my head wasn't understanding my spirit. I wept and wept. And all of a sudden I was filled with such joy. Like my spirit knew he was healed. My mind was still arguing but my spirit was in full agreement with His healing. Fred was off playing and laughing and I sat amazed by God. I honestly don't know what happened yesterday. All I know is that I see a healthy happy boy. This week I'm going to take him to a clinic and get him tested for HIV. Either way Fred is His son, perfectly loved and known by the living God. Pray for Fred. Pray for my small belief. If I believe or not He is a healer!
Fred looking into Papa Ben's eyes.

Fred and Tiff

Fred, Tiff and Javonta

Fred and Papa Ben

1 comment:

  1. That is AMAZING! I'm so happy for you guys and love hearing about the AWESOMENESS of God! He is soo good! Love you all! ~Becky C.
