Friday, June 12, 2009

Even if we can't feel it or see it

He is good even if our vision is clouded. Even if our circumstances say He has abandoned us. Everyone wants to have that experience with God. God is not an experience He is a relationship. He is in everything with us. He is for us not against us. Thanks be to God!


  1. Can you turn on the ability to cut and paste into this comment box? It would be very helpful.

  2. Let me try again. I hit the browser backspace from the preview and it erased what I had written.

    God is with you. He will never leave you. He is always in clinging distance! He can speak to you through the static... through the mist... through the murk. He is always there, so you can live in the presence of God every day no matter where you are. He cares for you, protects you and provides for you. He will reveal his plans to you, if only the next step. And He IS speaking to you ... and you ARE hearing him! (evidenced from our conversation this morning Ben)

    That reminds me of the text on my cell phone screen (it lets me put a short - very short - text on the small screen, kind of like the desktop wallpaper on my computer. This is what is on my cell phone whenever I look at it:

    How can I not?

    Here is my prayer relating to this:

    Heavenly Father. Abba. Thank you for another glorious day. Thank you for placing bits of your glory everywhere around me. I cannot go anywhere without seeing your glory. Yes, where can I go that does not have bits of your glory for me to behold! Your glory is seen in the heavens at night, with all the tiny dots of stars... tiny dots that are in fact tremendously huge firey suns! You are such an amazing God. How can I not follow You? How can I not?!

    Blessings and grace to you ... all of you!
