Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Just for reference -

(Ben): Much of the training Rachelann and I have been giving ourselves to in this season of life comes from Heidi and Rolland Baker. They started a ministry 20 years or so ago in Mozambique to test the Sermon on the Mount. They had just graduated seminary and realized that if the Sermon on the Mount wasn't true (feed the hungry, turn the other cheek, love the unlovable...), there was not point in trying to honor the rest of what God said in His word. Since then God has been showing up with signs and wonders. He has been multiplying food just like He fed the 5,000. He has raised the dead, healed blind people and many other things. I read their account and realize that they are doing things in a unique way with God. I figure if I am going to follow my heart to go love people, then maybe my own agenda isn't going to work. So I have been listening and processing their experiences and have been greatly encouraged.

So the purpose of these post was to provide that information if anyone is interested in researching it. They have a training school each year and we are going to apply to go. We have some friends who have recently come back from doing this training school and they were extremely encouraged in their faith by both what they saw and also how they grew in their relationship with God.

So it's pretty great. It makes me realize just how amazing God is. I have often wondered "why not here God?" While He has been doing things here in the West, they don't seem to be as widespread as what I am hearing of what is going on in Africa, China and other countries.

I have been listening to their teachings online at:

Their ministry website is:

It has been interesting hearing their stories and lessons learned. As I listen through the messages, I get a sense of lessons learned through life experience, successes and failures. This is quite different than the seminary model of learning or the university model of learning (though I definitely enjoy these models in part!).

But more importantly, I feel like I am finally started to make some sense of what it really looks like to live fully for God while at the same time not becoming some legalistic Bible thumper. So check it out. I have been blessed by the content and the simplicity of the messages. Rolland is the logical type whereas Heidi is more free spirited and kinda "out there". Just so you know, if you listen, they both believe in speaking in tongues as a way of communicating with God. So if this offends you, open your mind and heart and see what might come of it.

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